

   Law links is a comprehensive resource tool meant for lawyers, advocates, solicitors, jurists, judges, teachers, journalists and students of law. It is a one-stop destination for all resources of law, both indian and foreign.Law links also gives you some dedicated search engines for law, like www.indiankanoon.org, www.commonlii.org etc to name only a few.

Each link featured here has endless links. It will be the constant endeavor of this site to update the content frequently. You can help us to widen the content of the site by suggesting a popular site with your comments.

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Happy Surfing.




This website is an idea of Mr.B.A.CHARKRAVARTHI, a retired officer of the Central Excise/GST Department, Chennai, India. 

This site does not offer any services, besides the content of the site whose link has been provided here.

Disclaimer : This site is not responsible for the accuracy of the information provided by the sites for which links have been given here. Any use of the materials of the featured websites are subject to the terms and conditions given in those sites.